Abjad Calculation Macro Commands
For Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc, MS Excel, and Web Pages
🎯 Intended Audiences
- Spiritual Seekers and Mystics
- Traits: Curious, introspective, open-minded.
- Use Case: Uncover hidden meanings in sacred texts.
- Numerologists and Gematria Enthusiasts
- Traits: Analytical, fascinated by number-language relationships.
- Use Case: Decode symbolic meanings in texts.
- Historians and Linguists
- Traits: Scholarly, methodical.
- Use Case: Study historical numeral systems like Abjad.
- Religious or Faith-Based Individuals
- Traits: Devout, reflective.
- Use Case: Explore religious texts or divine messages.
- Writers and Artists
- Traits: Creative, drawn to symbolism.
- Use Case: Add layers of meaning to creative works.
- Puzzle and Riddle Enthusiasts
- Traits: Playful, intellectually curious.
- Use Case: Solve complex problems or decode patterns.
- Conspiracy Theorists and Alternative Thinkers
- Traits: Skeptical of mainstream narratives.
- Use Case: Uncover hidden truths or patterns.
🛠️ Core Functions
abjad("text"; table_code; shadda; detail)
- Purpose: Calculate Abjad values for Arabic/Hebrew text.
- Parameters:
: Arabic or Hebrew text.table_code
: 0-35 (historical numeral systems).shadda
: 1 (single count) or 2 (double count).detail
: 1 for letter-by-letter breakdown.
- Example:
=ABJAD("النور", 1, 2, 0) → 256
bastet("text or number"; reps; table_code; language)
- Purpose: Apply the usul-ul bast method for cosmic expansion.
- Parameters:
text or number
: Input text or direct number.reps
: Number of expansion cycles.table_code
: Abjad table code (can be negative).language
- Example:
=BASTET("کون", 7, -2, "ARABIC")
nutket(number; language)
- Purpose: Convert numbers to Arabic/Hebrew/Turkish words.
- Parameters:
: Between 0 and 999999999999999.language
- Example:
=NUTKET(123, "ARABIC") → "مائة وثلاثة وعشرون"
unsur(text; output_type; element_code; shadda; guide)
- Purpose: Sort letters by elemental classification.
- Parameters:
: Arabic or Hebrew text.output_type
: 0 (quantity) or 1 (letter list).element_code
: 0 (fire), 1 (air), 2 (water), 3 (earth).shadda
: 1 (single count) or 2 (double count).guide
: Element classification system (e.g., Ibn Arabi).
- Example:
=UNSUR("النور", 1, 0, 2, 1)
saf(text; separator; shadda)
- Purpose: Purify text for Abjad analysis.
- Parameters:
: Arabic or Hebrew text.separator
: 0 (keep spaces) or “ “ (add spaces).shadda
: 1 (single count) or 2 (double count).
- Example:
=SAF("بِسْمِ اللَّهِ", 0, 2)
- Purpose: Convert Arabic numerals to Eastern Arabic numerals.
- Parameters:
: Cell containing numbers (0-9).
- Example:
=NUMBERS2ARAB(A1) → Converts "123" to "١٢٣"
huddam(number; duty_type; method)
- Purpose: Generate spiritual duty names.
- Parameters:
: Calculated number for the spiritual being.duty_type
: “ULVI”, “SUFLI”, or custom suffix.method
: Abjad table code for calculation.
- Example:
=HUDDAM(51, "ULVI", 1) → "Al-Malik al-Ayeel"
rakamtopla(number; digits)
- Purpose: Reduce numbers to mystical digits.
- Parameters:
: Any number.digits
: 1 (single digit), 2 (two digits), or 0 (all stages).
- Example:
=RAKAMTOPLA(12345, 1) → 6
teksir("text"; "separator"; shadda)
- Purpose: Duplicate letters for sigil creation.
- Parameters:
: Arabic or Hebrew text.separator
: Character to separate letters (e.g., “ “).shadda
: 1 (single count) or 2 (double count).
- Example:
=TEKSIR("النور", " ", 2)
tesbeh(target; min_value; beads; sections)
- Purpose: Calculate rosary resonance patterns.
- Parameters:
: Target number from Abjad calculation.min_value
: Minimum value (e.g., 25).beads
: Number of rosary beads (e.g., 99).sections
: Number of rosary sections (e.g., 33).
- Example:
=TESBEH(99, 25, 99, 33)
Ebced Tablo Kodları
Cümel-i Kebir ve Diğer Sistemler
📊 Temel Ebced Sistemleri (0-5)
Türkçe Lejant | İngilizce Lejant | Kod | Açıklama |
Asgari Ebced | Minimum Abjad | 0 | En temel Ebced sistemi. |
Sağir Ebced | Small Abjad | 1 | Küçük Ebced (Cümel-i Kebir). |
Kebir Ebced | Big Abjad | 2 | Büyük Ebced. |
Ekber Ebced | Maximum Abjad | 3 | En geniş kapsamlı Ebced. |
Sağir + Harf Adedi | Small + Letter Qty | 4 | Sağir Ebced + harf sayısı ekler. |
Harf Adedi | Letter Quantity | 5 | Sadece harf sayısını hesaplar. |
🌍 Diğer Ebced Sistemleri (6-35)
Kod Aralığı | Türkçe Sistem Adı | İngilizce Sistem Adı | Açıklama |
6-10 | Mağribi Ebced | Maghrebi Abjad | Mağrib bölgesine özgü sistem. |
11-15 | Kur’an Frekans Sırası | Quran Frequency Order | Kur’an harflerinin frekans sırası. |
16-20 | Hica Sırası | Hija Order | Hica bölgesi harf düzeni. |
21-25 | Mağribi Hica Sırası | Maghrebi Hija Order | Mağribi-Hica karışık sıralama. |
26-30 | İklil Sırası | Aqli Order | Akıllı/mantıksal harf gruplandırması. |
31-35 | Şemsî Ebced Sırası | Shamse Abjad Order | Şemsî Ebced. |
🧮 Hisab El Cümel
Desteklenen Sistemler:
Mağribi Ebced11-15
Kur’an Frekans Sırası16-20
Hica Sırası21-25
Mağribi Hica Sırası26-30
İklil Sırası31-35
Şemsî Ebced Sırası
Not: Kodlar 0-35 arasındadır. Her aralık, belirli bir Ebced sistemini temsil eder.
🔗 Resources
🎁 Destek Ol
Çalışmalarımın sürmesine olanak sağlamak için bağışta bulunabilirsiniz.
Lütfen bağış yapmadan önce en az iki kere düşünün çünkü geri ödemeler için ayıracak hiç zamanım ve imkanım yok.
Katkılarınız için paylaştıklarımı kullanan herkes adına teşekkürlerimi kabul edin.
🎁 Support Me
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Please think twice before donating because I have no time or means to handle refunds.
On behalf of everyone who uses what I share, I accept your thanks for your contributions.
“Numbers are the language of the universe.” – Ancient Proverb
To share https://metatronslove.github.io/abjad/